Saturday, January 24, 2015

Kris- project Quilting S6- week 2

Well this week I broke my one rule..don't try to make a big quilt you don't have the time.
Reason. I have 5 kids...reason enough right :)
Well I did try to go small. Lap size. Needed. Black backing fabric and my husband was busy with work so monday I changed gears and did a mini. But after making the mini and laying them done my brain started formulating and once that happens it hard to change gears for me.
But i realized Thursday that even though it's a quilt as I go and in 4 manageable sections, I still didn't have the time to finish by noon on Sunday and I am okay with that because this quilt is just amazing.:)
So today I sat down for an hour and sewed the scraps and made a mug rug to practice the designs I won't to do on the larger quilt units and that is what I am summiting. I am calling it "The 4 Sunsets Scraps" as you can guess the larger quilt will  be named "4 sunsets"
The back is even cool  :)except for the tension issues my Singer keeps having.
I am just amazed at the ladies that can get a whole quilt done in a week but that just not my or Kaz ' s reality. I sure did try lol
can't wait to see the other pieces made this week :)


  1. very nice - and yes, also can't imagine how some finish a whole quilt in a week! Good to know our limits, huh? :) Would LOVE to see your larger version when it's done!

  2. Your scraps project is cute! Last time, on the trees challenge, I finished a day late. It's challenging to finish in a week!

  3. This is adorable! I can't wait to see what the big one looks like! I haven't been able to manage a big quilt in a week yet either .... mine are always small :)
